
The Problem.


Equestrian riders are required to spend large amounts of money on coached lessons to ensure that they are constantly progressing and not teaching bad habits to their horses. Like every other sport, much practice is required to be able to perform intricate movements that is not natural to horses. If mistakes are not corrected quickly, more time would have to be taken to retrain the horses.

The project presented an opportunity to develop a new training system that relays the movement of the horse’s feet as vibrations to the rider’s arms that allows the rider to obtain immediate feedback about the horse’s movement while maintaining proper posture and making corrections on the go. The system, Equitem would reduce the dependence on coaches and minimise the amount of time wasted correcting mistakes during lessons. This equates to spending less money on classes and having greater progress.


Current problems faced by Equestrians today.


“Equitem is a Tracking and Monitoring System that Allows Riders to Practise Independently by Feeling the Movement of their Horses.”

— Statum Team

The Solution.


Equitem gives independence and helps riders achieve their goals faster. Equitem connects to the riders horse so they can feel every step, as soon as the hoof touches the ground. The lightweight position trackers and rider wrist/armbands are quick to put on, easy to use and fit seamlessly into their existing riding routine.

The System.


The In-Sync Tracking System is comprised of 8 components: 4 armbands and 4 leg trackers. The trackers are attached to the boots of the horse that tracks each step in relation to one another. This information is relayed to the rider through the arm and wrist bands that vibrate in accordance to the foot of the horse that took a step.



4 trackers are provided for the horse to wear. Each units tracks the location of the leg it is worn on, and its proximity to the other trackers. These trackers slide on and attach to the outside of existing boot designs or polo wraps. Each unit is lightweight and secure, meaning the horse will not notice the extra equipment. As the trackers attach onto existing leg wear the horse is already familiar with, the horse will not spook at or be irritated by the Equitem trackers.


4 armbands are worn by the rider: one on both wrists and one on both upper arms. These are lightweight and quick to put on, sliding on over the top of clothing. Haptic feedback received from the trackers keeps you in sync with and boosts awareness of your horse’s hoof placement and position.


The Team.

This project was co-created:

  • Marie Boulanger

  • Andy Loke

  • Jessica Barratt

- 2019 -



